
Development of Skills in Transplantation (DCT)

Project POSDRU 186/3.2/155295 “Development of Skills in Transplantation” (2015-2016), funded under the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013, implemented by the Academy of Medical Sciences. The training and specialization of medical personnel in the field of transplantation, alongside the establishment of an efficient system…

Announcement – the visit of prof. Stephen Hillier

Announcement Professor Stephen Hillier, Vice Principal International of Edinburgh University – a „Top 20” university in medical domain – made a visit at the Academy of Medical Sciences on April 4th, 2014. The co-ordinator of this action was Acad. Prof. Dr. Dorin Sarafoleanu. As Professor…

Sectoral Research and Development Plan for Medicine (2014-2020)

Published on January 7, 2014 The Health Strategy (2014-2020) is the result of an endeavor that led to the construction of a unified strategy, a strategy that was built in accordance with the Europe 2020 Strategy. A dual approach was considered, and thematic committees were…